Hemp Beauty Products

You may have heard that hemp beauty products are the next big thing in natural beauty products. They are. In fact, they are only a “tale” of what we can do with hemp and its ingredients. There is more to this than meets the eye, though. Let’s take a look at what we can expect as we enter the future of hemp.

hemp beauty

For starters, there have been some great clinical trials involving hemp oil for skin care. Not only has the oil helped heal skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis, but it has also been trialled on the face. There are two major companies, two different types of hemp beauty products that are using it. One uses the pure oil extract, while the other uses the extracted oils of the plant. So far, the results have been excellent.

Let’s talk about the pure oil extract, too. Hemp oil has been compared to many other vegetable oils in that it is not very saturated or petroleum based. In fact, it is so similar to regular vegetable oils that people cannot tell the difference. There have been some studies done using hemp-derived CBD oil on human tissue. The results of those studies showed that CBD was effective in reducing inflammation without increasing the number of antioxidants present.

There is a hemp face wash on the market right now called hemp milk. It is being marketed to men who suffer from acne. You might be wondering what is different about hemp beauty products compared to other facial cleansers and face washes that are on the market right now. This one has a special ingredient called Babassu wax.

What is the difference between the pure CBD oil and the CBD-infused face wash? The pure CBD comes from the hemp itself while the face wash and other skin care products contain traces of CBD as an added benefit. The pure CBD is not as effective because it is not fully extracted from the hemp plant. It is much more expensive to extract CBD from hemp than it is to buy CBD oil in its purest form.

CBD has been shown to reduce inflammation and increase the strength and elasticity of the skin, but pure CBD does not have the same effect on the skin as pure CBD oil does. Pure CBD is very powerful and is almost undependable on any type of topical skin treatment. Any other type of CBD is much less potent. It is much less expensive to buy CBD-infused skin ointments and other types of cosmetics than it is to buy pure CBD oil. So, if you want to reduce inflammation, get your face soft again and improve your skin’s overall health, then look for an eye cream that contains pure CBD. It will work just like hemp oil does.

Now, let’s focus on hemp beauty products. Again, because it is so cheap and simple to extract from the plant it is easily obtained, making it more affordable than other natural ingredients. In addition, the plant itself is a “superfood” meaning it is high in antioxidants and low in chemicals–both of which are vital for keeping the skin looking younger. In short, these hemp skincare products will give you everything you’ve been looking for in a skin care line.

If you want a “greener” option, hemp extract can also help moisturize and repair damage caused by the sun. Unlike other extracts, CBD does not change the texture or color of your skin. In fact, it is so gentle that it is similar in effect to mineral oil–a common cooking ingredient that is heavier than oils and that causes greasiness, clogging, and itching. So, you’ll actually feel better while you’re treating your face!