The Hemp Beauty Products Industry Is Making A Real Change

hemp beauty

The Hemp Beauty Products Industry Is Making A Real Change

A few years ago, I was talking to a friend about hemp beauty products and the question of whether or not they had really been tested for safety. After all, there’s a reason that the FDA requires a warning on the label of a shampoo or lotion that contains hemp extract – because it’s a naturally occurring ingredient. But, my friend kept telling me that the company that made the product would never use anything that had hemp in it, since they were a private company. She said that they were afraid that the hemp might alter the natural texture of the hair and therefore be unable to get that “Hemp Power” shine on her hair.

It turns out that they were right about that. Researchers have found that the synthetic chemicals that are used to create the products generally strip away the beneficial ingredients and leave behind what is known as “free oil.” This “free oil” does not bond with the hair and so it does not contribute to the healthy texture of the hair. Unfortunately, we cannot expect organic products that do not have the synthetic chemicals completely mimic the benefits of hemp oil.

The other problem that the hemp skincare products have is that they typically contain concentrated plant extracts instead of the more abundant oils that are naturally occurring in hemp seeds. Take cannafloria for instance. Cannafloria is actually derived from hemp seeds. Yet, it is one of the most powerful antioxidants on earth. In fact, scientists have identified it as the most potent natural anti-aging compound on earth.

When I read this information, I was actually disappointed. Why would hemp beauty products are lacking in cannafloria? Is there no way that I could use my skin care cream to protect my skin and reduce some of my wrinkles? I definitely need a good skin care line. So, I decided that I was going to go online and see what other people were saying about hemp products.

What I discovered was quite shocking. One of the biggest complaints that I heard was that hemp skin care products contained trace amounts of contaminants. Some of these contaminants were cancer causing chemicals! Others were pesticides. It became clear that the only way to really use hemp products was to completely avoid any hemp compounds found in the product.

That’s when I decided that I was going to make a change. I’m not going to use anything that has hemp extract in it. I will also not buy anything that uses petroleum based moisturizers. In fact, the very next time that I go to buy a skin care line, I’m going to choose those that don’t contain any hemp at all. That means that I’ll be buying only organic products.

You might be asking yourself how you can make this transition yourself. The best way is to take your business online. There are websites that have been created solely to provide consumers with information on organic and all natural skin care products that do not contain components like tess or hemp. You can visit several of these sites to learn more about what you can expect to find when you buy skin care lines that contain hemp ingredients.

My own personal choice is to avoid anything that contains tess. I also refuse to use mineral oil in my skin. I would love to get rid of my wrinkles, but I just can’t. I will still use a good moisturizer, however. My eye shadow is another story. I usually wear mineral powder with it so that my eyes look as fresh and as beautiful as they can.